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ho dei seguaci nel mondo anglosassone :D
Italian Real Estate Agents vs Mr Bolkestein

Is Italy in Europe? The question arises from what is happening in these days among the reperesentatives of Italian real estate agents' associations and the Ministry of Economic Development. What is at stake? On the ministry table discussion is about the conversion law of the Bolkestein EU directive, allowing free cross-border circulation of real estate agents in Europe. Ministerial top officers would like to negotiate it with the real estate representatives, but the three Italian agents' associations don't agree about aims and interests to pursue. FIAIP seems bound to a blind defense of existing Italian laws, in a last desperate attempt to "stop barbarians at Rome's gates"; ANAMA wants a total deregulation of the real estate market to advantage the big franchising companies ruling the association; FIMAA is (as always) stuck in the middle and uncapable of initiative. CEI and CEPI, the two european real estate confederations that will merge in one single voice for EU real estate market giving birth to a big continental association in 2012, really have no clue about Italy, a country so important in european affairs, but so closed to european markets and rules, at least as for the real estate business. The problem is none of the three Italian real estate associations seems to understand the meaning and practical consequences of european laws, such as the Bolkestein directive, the Single Market Act, the European Professional Card and so on. Thus Italian real estate agents are more likely to be forced to respect european rules, standards and laws, than to negotiate a smart Italian way to apply those rules. Will barbarians conquer Rome again?
Italian Real Estate Agents vs Mr Bolkestein Articles / Content

In quanto a codesta frase sui critici in poltrona che ho il sospetto sia stato postata per me, beh, giurerei che sia una frase presa da un episodio della serie smallville. Bella originalità. Quelli che ragionano per frasi fatte sono i peggiori.


Nominato ad Honorem
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FIAIP: seems bound to a blind defense of existing Italian laws;
ANAMA: wants a total deregulation of the real estate market to advantage the big franchising companies ruling the association.

Interessi contrapposti tra due associazioni italiane di agenti immobiliari; Montecchi contro Capuleti, Bianchi contro Neri, Guelfi contro Ghibellini. Fazioni in lotta. La storia si ripete.
Chi la spunterà?

L'Italia disunita della mediazione sarà invasa dai "Barbari" alle porte?

Maurizio Zucchetti

Membro dello Staff
Agente Immobiliare
E' sempre deprimente leggere commenti esteri sulle realtà italiane, soprattutto quando questi provengano dal mondo anglosassone (con la sua pragmaticità e mancanza di "paludamenti diplomatici") e sopra-soprattutto quando hanno ragione! :confuso: :disappunto::disappunto:


andrea boschini

Membro dello Staff
Agente Immobiliare
In quanto a codesta frase sui critici in poltrona che ho il sospetto sia stato postata per me, beh, giurerei che sia una frase presa da un episodio della serie smallville. Bella originalità. Quelli che ragionano per frasi fatte sono i peggiori.

:risata::risata::risata: Ithinks ribadisco il concetto mi fai morire ( che dalle mie parti significa...grande battuta );)

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